Monday, November 2, 2009

Post-Conference Reflections

In the keynote panel "Hypatia Founders Reflect on Rationality, Science, and Epistemic Humility," Helen Longino provided a delicious retrospective on the ways in which Hypatia papers have expanded classical "S knows that p" epistemologies in ways that address feminist concerns about: how objects of knowledge are conceptualized (as objects of domination/intervention); forms of epistemic-cum-ethical responsibility; relations other than knowledge (such as love and care); as well as relationships between embodied knowers and their communities (including relationships of trust).

Amazingly, I found the wisdom of these theoretical perspectives to be reflected in the discursive interactions between conference goers - interactions characterized by respect, care, and trust. And, I learned so much from recurring conversations (at the Equity Workshop and elsewhere) about the multifaceted ways in which feminist philosophers, as embodied knowers, have and plan to navigate within the larger philosophical community. Thanks to all for such a meaningful and positive conference experience - from both theoretical and professional points of view.

Do you have post-conference reflections you'd like to share? Please provide them in the "comments."

You may also find post-conference discussion on the Feminist Philosophers Blog here and here!

1 comment:

  1. Ginger, service dog extra-ordinaire, has taken awhile to get caught up with all her post-Hypatia conference projects, but is finally feeling caught up. And so, she takes a moment, to paws, and reflect.

    Hypatia highlights for her:

    Claudia Card's snuggles - offered throughout the conference, in between devastating reflections on domestic violence and martial rape. Dog snuggles provide a good balance to this important but difficult work.

    Linda Lopez McAlister's snuggles - offered in between hilarious stories about male lesbians like Rush Limbaugh (wait - is that right?)

    Floor food in the foyer of the HUB auditorium.


    No rain! (Ginger had packed a fabulous chartreuse raincoat, but she never got to wear it :(

    The Epistemologies from the Margins session where Ginger's human wondered aloud (as she is wont to do) about how we can continue to encourage philosophers to offer insightful criticisms of each other's work without approaching "the asshole factor" (a factor named and well-documented in the fabulous Carole Lee's paper on philosophers and how they "eat their young").

    Also Kristen Intemann's offering of a rapproachment between empiricists like Helen Longino and Ginger's human on the one hand, and standpointers like Sandra Harding and Sharon Crasnow on the other :) And darn it, Kristen was right!

    (Did I say squirrels?!)

    Naomi Zack. Because, of course.

    The final key note, where her human kept talking about Lou Rawls instead of that other Rawls... though thankfully, the Emerging Feminist Philosophers, Kristen, Emily, Kristin, Shireen and Alexa, young healthful and vital, kept the focus and did brilliantly (unlike all the decrepid aging sisters in the audience - and no Alexa you will never live this comment down :)

    And finally, the introduction of a Hypatia Diversity Initiative! Details to come! And yes, Ginger knows who you are and how much you pledged!

    That's all for now. I need to pee.


